EmigrateCanada.com is an independent immigration information service providing information to individuals, families and businesses wishing to live and work or relocate staff to Canada. Based in New York with offices around the World, EmigrateCanada.com ensures readers are given the most up to date information concerning immigration and visa policy. EmigrateCanada.com just celebrated its 30th Birthday and has been providing Canadian Immigration information for free for over three decades.

Canada Immigration and Vias

Canada Immigration

Many people from around the world are attracted to Canada’s high quality of life. However, the process of immigrating to Canada can be complex. This section provides a comprehensive guide on how to immigrate to Canada, including the different immigration programs available, the eligibility criteria and the step-by-step process of applying for immigration. Whether you are looking to immigrate for work, study or family reasons, this section will provide you with the information you need to make the process as smooth and successful as possible. Canada wants 1 million new immigrants just like you!

Canada Immigration
Express Entry Visas to Canada

Express Entry

Express Entry is one of the most popular and efficient ways for skilled workers to immigrate to Canada. Express Entry is a points based system that assesses candidates based on their education, work experience, language proficiency, adaptability and other factors. The Express Entry system assigns applicants a score based on the comprehensive ranking system. This section will provide a detailed step by step walkthrough on how to use Express Entry to immigrate to Canada on the Federal Skilled Work Program and the Fededal Skilled Trades Program and the Canada Experience Class Visa.

Express Entry
whats life like in canada

Life in Canada

Choosing the right province or territory to settle in is an important decision for new immigrants to Canada. Each region has its unique culture, climate, and job market, and the choice of where to live can have a significant impact on the success of the immigration process. This section helps new immigrants choose the right province or territory to settle in. We explore the different factors to consider when making this decision, such as job opportunities, cost of living, language requirements, and cultural diversity. By the end of this section, you will have a better understanding of life in Canada.

Life in Canada
free visa assessment

Visa Assessment

Navigating the immigration process to Canada can be challenging, and it is crucial to ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements before starting the application process. A visa assessment can help you determine whether you are eligible to immigrate to Canada and which immigration programs you may be eligible for. We are pleased to offer a free visa assessment to assist you in determining your eligibility for Canadian immigration. Our team of experts will assess your qualifications and provide you with a personalized report outlining your eligibility for immigration programs, as well as next steps.

Canada Visa Assessment
free visa assessment for canada

Jobs in Canada

Finding a job in Canada as a foreigner can be a daunting task, but it is essential for anyone who wants to immigrate to the country permanently. This section will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to find a job in Canada as a foreigner. We explore the different job search strategies, such as using job search websites and networking, and provide tips on how to tailor your resume and cover letter to the Canadian job market. Additionally, we discuss the various work permits available and the eligibility requirements for each. This section will provide you with the information you need to succeed in your job search.

Jobs in Canada
canada immigration blog

Canada Immigration Blog

Staying up to date with the latest news and updates on Canada’s immigration policies and procedures is essential for anyone who is considering immigrating to the country. Our Canada immigration blog is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to stay informed about changes to the immigration system, learn about the experiences of other immigrants, and find tips on how to navigate the immigration process successfully. From news and analysis of policy changes to tips and money saving accommodation for immigrants, this blog is a must-read for anyone moving to Canada.

Knowledge Center

We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information about Canadian Immigration on the web so our readers can make informed decisions. Our team of qualified and experienced Canadian Immigration fact checkers provides a critical step in our commitment to content integrity. Our World Class Immigration Expert Fact Checkers and Contributors rigorously review our Canadian Immigration content for accuracy and timeliness. We rely only on the most current and reputable primary references, including peer-reviewed journals, government organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy associations. We follow strict guidelines when fact-checking information all our systems are GDPR & HIPAA Compliant for your protection. We only use credible sources when citing statistics and medical information. Look for the badge on our articles for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Dr. Montague John (PhD)
Editor in Chief - EmigrateCanada.com at EmigrateCanada.com | Website | + posts

Editor in Chief - EmigrateCanada.com

Dr. Montague John (PhD), is one of the World’s leading Canadian Immigration experts. Affectionately known as “Monty” he established EmigrateCanada.com more than 25 years ago and it has grown to be one of the most reliable sources of Canada Immigration information.

In 2022 Dr. Montague John (PhD) published his book, “How to Immigrate to Canada” as EmigrateCanada.com, which featured as Bestseller in its Category for several weeks. Montague co-ordinates all the qualified contributors at EmigrateCanada.com and serves as Editor-in-Chief.

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