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2020 ALB China十五佳知识产权律师


Han Kun’s IP team: leading and setting trends in China’s IP legal space


An interview with Yan Wang, partner at Han Kun Law Offices















ALBTell us a bit about the IP lawyers of Han Kun? What kind of service do you provide? What are your strong areas?

Wang: Han Kun is a leader and trendsetter in China’s burgeoning IP legal space. With over 100 seasoned IP professionals across offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Han Kun provides full-service IP offerings for both contentious and non-contentious matters across China. Han Kun represents the world’s leading names in the tech industry, helping them navigate through their most complex IP issues in China across various venues, including the Supreme People’s Court, all key local courts and the China National Intellectual Property Administration.

Our team is diverse, multi-dimensional, collaborative and complementary. Team members include holders of PhDs in engineering and other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, holders of JDs from the United States, a former IP judge and former patent examiners. Many team members have worked outside of China in legal and technical capacities, and all team members are fluent in English. Technical backgrounds cover a diverse array of disciplines, including electrical engineering, telecommunications, computer science, machinery, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

While our service covers the full spectrum of IP matters, we have particular strength in IP litigation and prosecution. On the litigation side, Han Kun focuses on handling the most complex and challenging disputes, including adverse court decisions, cross-border and international litigateion and antitrust-related preliminary injunctions. Han Kun also provides proactive solutions regarding repeat infringement and evidence collection, which are considered the most difficult issues in the current IP litigation space in China. With respect to prosecution, Han Kun works closely with clients to understand their business objectives and provide tailored prosecution strategies on the whole span of each matter.


ALB:Can you share an influential case done by Han Kun’s IP lawyers in recent years? What are the keys to your success?

Wang:Han Kun represents clients in some of the most high profile cases in the market, including representing the world’s leading smartphone manufacturer in its global SEP disputes with SEP holders, and a leading solar technology company in its multi-jurisdiction patent dispute with a key competitor.

Two key factors for Han Kun’s success are understanding our clients and cultivating young talents. The foremost issue on a multinational client’s mind is lack of knowledge about the unfamiliar Chinese system and limited resources when it comes to locating a trustworthy partner – particularly with global tensions rising and China’s IP legal framework evolving rapidly. Our experience in both the United States and China helps to bridge the gap and ensure effective communication with clients, which is pivotal to achieving favorable results for clients. Our success also lies on the cultivation of talents. We have designed a sophisticated mentor-trainee system to improve the professional skills of young associates and interns, and to create stronger personal bonds among team members. I have also spearheaded a youth leadership programme, which aims to help more senior members to establish their own careers and set an example for others.


ALB:What are your future plans for work?

Wang:The newly issued 4th amendment to the Patent Law, alongside other legislation changes, will with no doubt bring to the industry many new challenges and opportunities. Also, both legislators and judges are introducing reforms to try to establish an IP litigation system that adopts the positive aspects of the US and European systems. We have long been preparing for the changes, aiming to both improve our service and build up our strength on every front.

That includes both solving clients’ problems and helping young talent to achieve their career goals. Multinationals are increasingly facing crises arising from global IP disputes, where injunctions including anti-suit injunctions and preliminary injunctions are becoming more prevalent. Han Kun is well equipped to help resolve these issues by providing a complete package, which includes seminars generating amicus briefs and other approaches, rather than merely legal solutions. Another critical piece of our blueprint is continuously helping young talent to grow. Young partners and counsel at Han Kun are invaluable treasures to the team’s future and continuous success.

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