[美剧] 法律与秩序/Law And Order 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

[美剧] 法律与秩序/Law And Order 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

[美剧] 法律与秩序/Law And Order 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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《法律与秩序》,美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集,也是第二长剧集,并衍生出三部姊妹剧:《法律与秩序:特殊受害人》(Law &

Order: Special Victims Unit)、《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal

Intent),以及《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury)


《法律与秩序》,美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集,也是第二长剧集,并衍生出三部姊妹剧:《法律与秩序:特殊受害人》(Law &

Order: Special Victims Unit)、《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal

Intent),以及《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury)




助理杰克-麦考伊(Jack McCoy)和亚历山德拉-鲍吉亚(Alexandra










如此,沃尔夫还为《法》片适时制作了三部独立的“外传”,《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special

Victims Unit),《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal



团》(Law & Order: Trial by Jury)于3月开播。





国的电视行业,此后出现的警匪电视剧都更加注意纪实味道和团队精神,比如《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)和《纽约重案组》(NYPD Blue)。










Narrator: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups- the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders.

=>旁白:在刑事司法系统中,人民是由两个独立而又同等重要的群体代表的 - 调查犯罪的警察和起诉罪犯的地区律师。

These are their stories.

=> 这些是他们的故事。

H- o-r-t-o-n, that's the guy you should've brought in here.

=> H-o-r-t-o-n,那是你应该带进来的那个人。

Miss, I've been here I just need to know where she is.

=> 小姐,我一直在这里,我只需要知道她在哪里。

I told you before, sir, I have to check with admitting.

=> 我以前告诉过你,先生,我必须要承认。

It's ridiculous.

=> 这很可笑。

Nurse: Get a doctor, stat! Man: We need some help in here, please! Now! She's turning blue.

=> 护士:找医生,统计!男子:我们需要一些帮助,请!现在!她变蓝了。

She can't breathe! Get the ambu bag.

=> 她不能呼吸!拿到安眠袋

No pulse.

=> 没有脉搏。

Call a code! Come on, let's go, move! I need a line in! Get the defibrillator.

=> 调用一个代码!来吧,走吧,移动!我需要一个线路!获取除颤器。

You knew that wasn't right.

=> 你知道这是不对的。

You can't go in there, sir.

=> 先生,你不能进去。

Call the guard.

=> 打电话给警卫。

Sir! No pulse.

=> 先生!没有脉搏。

Give her Epi IV.

=> 给她Epi IV。

No response.

=> 没有反应。

Get me adrenaline.

=> 让我肾上腺素。

Excuse us, please.

=> 请原谅。

Please wait outside.

=> 请在外面等。

We're doing everything we can.

=> 我们正在尽我们所能。

What's going on? Excuse us - Please, that's my daughter.

=> 这是怎么回事?对不起,请原谅我的女儿。

You can't come in here - Don't even try.

=> 你不能进来 - 甚至不要尝试。

what's going on? The last blood gases.

=> 这是怎么回事?最后的血液气体。

Let's call it.

=> 我们来调用它。

Oh, my God.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

what the hell happened? Your daughter had cardiac arrest.

=> 到底发生了什么?你女儿心脏骤停。

Resuscitate her, defib her! Please, please! Your daughter is dead.

=> 复活她,除掉她!请,请!你女儿死了

where are you going? I don't get this.

=> 你要去哪里?我不明白

She only had a sore throat.

=> 她只有喉咙痛。

This is insane! Some help please! Come on, pal, let's go.

=> 疯了吧!请帮助一下!来吧,伙计,走吧。

No, guys, she only had a sore throat! She didn't even have a fever! She only came in for a prescription.

=> 不,伙计们,她只有喉咙痛!她连发烧都没有!她只是开处方。

I don't understand, guys.

=> 我不明白,伙计们。

Where was she murdered? I told you, Urban Medical Center.

=> 她在哪里遇害?我告诉过你,城市医疗中心。

I'm sorry, Mr.

=> 对不起,先生

Morton, I'm a little confused.

=> 莫顿,我有点困惑。

Your daughter was killed at the hospital? Yeah, in the emergency room.

=> 你女儿在医院遇害了是的,在急诊室。

I want to swear out a murder complaint against the resident in charge of it.

=> 我想发誓对这个负责人的谋杀投诉。

This resident was treating her? No, killing her.

=> 这位居民正在对待她?不,杀了她。

But she was at the hospital for treatment? Yeah, a sore throat.

=> 但她在医院接受治疗?是的,喉咙痛。

Muscle aches.

=> 肌肉疼痛。

She only went in to get a prescription for some antibiotics.

=> 她只去了一些抗生素的处方。

Sometimes people are a lot sicker than they look.

=> 有时人们比他们看起来更加恶心。

Listen to me.

=> 听我说。

I was a medic in Vietnam.

=> 我是越南的一名军医。

I knowwho's dying and who isn't.

=> 我知道谁在死,谁不在。

My daughter was not that sick.

=> 我女儿不是那样的病。

Somebody in that emergency room did something that killed her.

=> 那个急诊室有人做了一件导致她死亡的事。

who's he want to bring charges against? The resident in charge of the emergency room.

=> 谁想要提起指控?负责急诊室的居民。

Oh, come on, Max.

=> 哦,来吧,马克斯。

People die in hospital emergency rooms every hour of ever day.

=> 人们每天每小时死于医院急诊室。

That may indeed be tragic, but it is not criminal.

=> 这可能确实是悲惨的,但这不是犯罪。

Unless somebody was criminally negligent.

=> 除非有人犯了疏忽。

How the hell would Mr.

=> 怎么会这样

Morton know if that had happened? He was a medic in Vietnam.

=> 莫顿知道这是否发生?他是越南的军医。

He says she wasn't sick enough to die.

=> 他说自己没有病够死

He was very convincing.

=> 他非常有说服力。

I'm not saying no.

=> 我不是说不。

I just had my first day off in two weeks.

=> 我刚刚在两周内休息了第一天。

There is a world out there.

=> 那里有一个世界。

Logan: You're the intern who treated a young girl named Suzanne Morton? Yeah, she's the last patient I admitted before I took off.

=> Logan:你是一个实习生,谁对待了一个叫Suzanne Morton的年轻女孩?是的,她是我起飞前最后一个承认的病人。


=> 支气管炎。

She dramatized her symptoms a bit.

=> 她把自己的症状戏弄了一下。

So I ordered a chest x-ray and put her aside to wait for a bed.

=> 于是我点了一张胸片,把她放在一边等待一张床。

why? Right now we're doing a routine investigation of her death.

=> 为什么?现在我们正在对她的死亡进行常规调查。

Death? what, she died? You sound surprised.

=> 死亡?什么,她死了?你听起来很惊讶。

Don't people croak here every day? She wasn't that sick.

=> 别人每天都在这里呱呱叫?她并没有病。

You don't die from bronchitis.

=> 你不会死于支气管炎。

Suzanne Morton.

=> 苏珊莫顿。

She had pneumonia.

=> 她有肺炎。

The sputum examination and blood culture were indicative.

=> 痰检和血培养是指示性的。

we discussed it during rounds.

=> 我们在轮次讨论。

Pneumonia, huh? A lot of people die of that these days? when it's complicated by chemical pneumonitis, sometimes.

=> 肺炎吧?那些日子里有很多人死亡?有的时候化学性肺炎并发症。

Patient was feverish and fell unconscious.

=> 病人发烧,昏迷不醒。

She must have aspirated some of the contents of her stomach.

=> 她一定是吸进了她肚子里的一些东西。

Stomach acid and lungs do not mix well.

=> 胃酸和肺混合不好。

This can happen fast? Yes, it can.

=> 这可以发生很快?是的,它可以。

Excuse me.

=> 打扰一下。


=> 嗯。

Busy woman.

=> 忙碌的女人。

Yeah, so busy she can't even make eye contact.

=> 是的,她很忙,连眼睛都不能接触。

Suzanne Morton.

=> 苏珊莫顿。

Yes, if you see Mr.

=> 是的,如果你看到先生

Morton, please extend my condolences.

=> 莫顿,请表示吊。。


=> 博士

Raza, were you on rounds when they reached her? Yes, yes, that is right.

=> Raza,当他们到达她时,你是否轮到他?是的,是的,那是对的。

I came right away.

=> 我马上过来

why? I didn't think she was that sick.

=> 为什么?我不认为她病了。

we hear bronchitis, maybe pneumonia.

=> 我们听到支气管炎,可能是肺炎。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

She was very sick.

=> 她病得很重。

She should've been in the intensive care unit.

=> 她应该在重症监护室。

Unfortunately there were no beds.

=> 不幸的是,没有床。

In my country, we accept death.

=> 在我的国家,我们接受死亡。

You ever hold a human heart in your hands? Only mine.


what year are you in? Third.

=> 你在哪个年级?第三。

we go hands on.

=> 我们一起去。

Did you ever lay your hands on Suzanne Morton? The pneumonia, yeah.

=> 你有没有把手放在苏珊莫顿?肺炎,是的。

I spent 40 minutes trying to find an orderly to take her to intensive care.

=> 我花了40分钟试图找到一个有序的把她带到重症监护室。

On the way back, I passed a gunshot wound through the neck with a six-inch exit.

=> 在回来的路上,我通过了一个六英寸出口的脖子上的枪伤。

You ever see one of those? Yeah, well, they're not so exciting when you run into one in a crack house.

=> 你见过其中之一吗?是的,当你在一个破解房子里遇到一个时,他们并不那么令人兴奋。

Max: Tell me some more.

=> 麦克斯:告诉我更多。

This guy in the emergency room, must've been his daughter who was sick.

=> 这个急诊室里的人,一定是他生病的女儿。

He was going nuts yelling why didn't they do this, why didn't they do that? Sounded like he knew his way around.

=> 他正在疯狂地喊叫,为什么他们不这样做,为什么他们不这样做呢?听起来像他知道他的方式。

Around the hospital? Around sick people.

=> 在医院附近?围绕着病人。

Those doctors? Something wasn't right, the way they looked.

=> 那些医生?有些事情是不正确的,他们的样子。

what, worried? Excited? Embarrassed.

=> 什么,担心?激动吗?尴尬。


=> 尴尬。

Does this make sense to you, Max? Sure.

=> Max对你有意义吗?当然。

She had bronchitis, she had pneumonia.

=> 她有支气管炎,她得了肺炎。

She was fine when she got here, she was dying when she got here.

=> 她到这里来的时候很好,到了这里她就快死了。

God-like pronouncements sound like normal medical procedure to me.

=> 上帝的声音听起来像正常的医疗程序给我。

So Max, what's your problem? Meaning? Meaning your attitude.

=> 所以Max,你有什么问题?含义?意味着你的态度。


=> '82。

My partner and I go into this fleabag SRO.

=> 我的伙伴和我进入这个fleabag SRO。

to pick up some junkie bank robber.

=> 拿起一些瘾君子的银行劫匪。

I'm putting the cuffs on him, his girlfriends comes from out of nowhere, j umps me.

=> 我把袖口放在他身上,他的女朋友从哪里冒出来,都是我的。

we're rolling around, I hit my head against the radiator.

=> 我们在滚动,我撞到了散热器。

It hurt like hell, but it's no big deal.

=> 它像地狱一样痛苦,但没什么大不了的。

A week later I start slurring words.

=> 一个星期后,我开始嘲笑话语。

I go see a neurologist.

=> 我去看神经科医生。

Quote, "Top guy in Manhattan.

=> 引用,“在曼哈顿的顶级人物。

" He looks at me, he says, "I want you in the hospital.

=> “他看着我,他说,”我要你在医院。

I'm going to do a CAT scan.

=> 我打算做CAT扫描。

" Yeah, well, I would definitely freak.

=> “是的,好吧,我一定会发狂的。

The next day, Dr.

=> 第二天,博士

God comes in, he says, "You have an inoperable brain tumor in your cerebellum.

=> 上帝进来了,他说:“你的小脑中有一个无法手术的脑肿瘤。

" He said it like he was telling me they'd be serving chicken for dinner.

=> “他说,就像他告诉我他们会在晚餐时间吃鸡肉一样。

we decide to get a second opinion.

=> 我们决定得到第二个意见。

I go see another "top neurologist.

=> 我去看另一个“顶级神经科医生。

" He does another CAT scan, he comes in and says, "You don't have a brain tumor in your cerebellum, you have a subdural hematoma here.

=> 他进行另一次CAT扫描,他进来说:“你的小脑没有脑肿瘤,这里有硬膜下血肿。

" A month later, I was fine.

=> “一个月后,我很好。

Hey, at least he caught the mistake, all right? Yeah.

=> 嘿,至少他发现了错误,好吗?是啊。

And when they don't, they just bury them.

=> 而当他们没有,他们只是埋葬他们。


=> 博士

Auster will see you now.

=> 奥斯特现在会见到你。

Let's go see the Chief of Medicine.

=> 我们去看看医学院长。

I'm sure he'll be God-like, too.

=> 我相信他也会像上帝一样。

A diagnostician is like a detective.

=> 一个诊断师就像一个侦探。

As a matter of fact, Conan Doyle modeled Sherlock Holmes on Dr.

=> 事实上,柯南道尔模仿福尔摩斯博士

Joseph Bell.

=> 约瑟夫·贝尔

You solve every case you work on? we can tell a felony from a traffic ticket.

=> 你解决你的每一个案子?我们可以从交通罚单上看出重罪。

Look, a patient walks in with a headache.

=> 看,一名病人头痛地走了进来。

She have a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a berry aneurysm, a retro-orbital tumor, or does she just have a headache? Do you give her j j an aspirin, or do you saw open her skull? You make this speech at funerals? I saw that girl in the emergency room on rounds.

=> 她有蛛网膜下出血,浆状动脉瘤,眼眶肿瘤,还是只是头痛?你给她一片阿司匹林吗?还是你看见了她的头骨?你在葬礼上做这个演讲?我在急诊室里看到了那个女孩。

She was in the hands of competent staff.

=> 她在主管人员的手中。

The girl is dead.

=> 那女孩已经死了

People like to believe that medicine is pure science.

=> 人们喜欢相信医学是纯科学的。

Medicine is a science, but doctors know it's also a lottery.

=> 医学是一门科学,但医生知道这也是一个彩票。

See what I mean? The guy's Chief of Medicine, and all he can come up with is, "It's a lottery.

=> 明白了吗?这个家伙的医学总监,他所能想出的就是“这是一个彩票。

" Proceed, Sherlock.

=> “继续,Sherlock。

what do you do when you make a mistake? Use white-out? Huh-uh.

=> 你犯了什么错误?使用白色?呵呵,嗯。

You cross it out and initial it.

=> 你把它交出来,并把它初始化。

This ain't no letter to Dear Abby.

=> 这不是给亲爱的艾比的信。

These charts got to show everything or there could be serious legal repercussions.

=> 这些图表必须显示一切,否则可能会有严重的法律后果。

Serious legal repercussions, that's what we have here.

=> 严重的法律后果,这就是我们在这里。

Somebody used white-out on Suzanne Morton's chart.

=> 有人用Suzanne Morton的图表清白了一下。

Now, on top of the white-out it says acetaminophen- a common, everyday painkiller.

=> 现在,除了白皮书外,它还提到对乙酰氨基酚 - 一种常见的日常止痛药。

But underneath the white-out it said, "meperidine.

=> 但在白色的下面,它说:“杜冷丁。

" It's a narcotic.

=> “这是一个麻醉剂。

Big difference.

=> 巨大差距。

Third-rate cover up.

=> 三流掩盖。

whoever did it probably wasn't expecting an investigation.

=> 谁做的可能不会期待调查。

whoever wrote meperidine also wrote acetaminophen.

=> 谁写了哌替啶也写对乙酰氨基酚。

look at the E's in acetaminophen.

=> 看对乙酰氨基酚的E's。

See the kind of like cursive penmanship and English style popular in the colonies.

=> 看到像殖民地流行的草书和英式风格。

You see the shape and the angle of the loop? Now it matches notations that were here, here, and here.

=> 你看到了循环的形状和角度?现在它匹配这里,这里和这里的符号。

All of them initialed "ER.

=> 他们都是“ER”。

" Emergency room? Ekballa Raza.

=>“急救室?Ekballa Raza。


=> 医生:。

She had a headache and a low-grade fever.

=> 她头痛,低烧。

Nothing more.

=> 而已。

No doctor would've done anything more.


Sounds like you're on solid ground.

=> 听起来像你在坚实的基础上。

Her psychiatrist had her on phenelzine sulfate.

=> 她的精神病医生让她服用硫酸苯乙肼。

She was seeing a shrink? She'd been depressed since her mother's death.

=> 她看到缩小?自从母亲去世后,她一直很沮丧。

when did that happen? Last year.

=> 什么时候发生的?去年。

She developed peritonitis after her hysterectomy.

=> 她在子宫切除术后发生腹膜炎。

This phenel- what is it? Phenelzine - Nurse: Doctor? Miss Rossi is ready.

=> 这个什么东西?苯乙肼 - 护士:医生?罗西小姐准备好了。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

Phenelzine sulfate.

=> 苯乙肼硫酸盐。

An anti-depressant.

=> 抗抑郁药

A strong one.

=> 强大的一个。

The patient died, but don't worry, the doctor is doing just fine.

=> 病人死了,但不用担心,医生做得很好。

Okay, the tox screen shows acetaminophen.

=> 好的,毒素屏幕显示对乙酰氨基酚。

It shows aspirin, and it shows an antihistamine.

=> 它显示阿司匹林,并显示抗组胺剂。

So there's no sign of meperidine? Huh-uh.

=> 所以没有哌替啶的迹象?呵呵,嗯。

we ran the standard gas and chromatography.

=> 我们运行标准的气体和色谱。

we know the girl was on something called phenelzine.

=> 我们知道这个女孩是在一个叫做苯乙肼的东西上。

Not a trace.

=> 没有痕迹。

Meperidine, phenelzine, recreational drugs.

=> 哌替啶,苯乙肼,消炎药。

Do another tox screen.

=> 做另一个tox屏幕。

I think you're wasting your nickel.

=> 我想你是在浪费你的镍。

Nobody takes meperidine and phenelzine unless they want to risk ending up here.

=> 除非他们想冒险在这里结束,否则没有人服用哌替啶和苯乙肼。

They can be a fatal combination.

=> 他们可以是一个致命的组合。

I was exhausted.

=> 我筋疲力尽

I'd just came off the cancer ward.

=> 我刚从癌症病房脱下来

I wrote meperidine without thinking.

=> 我没有想到我就写了哌替啶。

But I gave her acetaminophen.

=> 但是我给了她对乙酰氨基酚。

what about the white-out? There is paperwork required when you write a narcotic and I did not have time for that.

=> 那么白色呢?你写麻醉药时需要文书工作,我没有时间。


=> 博士

Raza, you just confessed to falsifying hospital records.

=> 拉扎,你刚刚承认伪造了医院的记录。

That's a class E felony.

=> 这是E级重罪。

Look, when they look at me here, they see an Indian or a Paki- they don't even know the difference.

=> 看,当他们在这里看我的时候,他们看到一个印度人或者一个巴基斯坦人,他们甚至不知道有什么不同。

we're all supposed to be bad doctors.

=> 我们都应该是坏医生。

You ask anybody.

=> 你问任何人。

I have to be twice as good as everybody else just so they will think I am as good as everybody else.

=> 我必须比其他人好两倍,所以他们会认为我和其他人一样好。

My children want to stay in this country, my wife wants to stay.

=> 我的孩子想留在这个国家,我的妻子想留下来。

本地代做工资流水服务商重庆代开贷款流水杭州背调工资流水代做蚌埠开签证流水昆明办理自存流水柳州工资代付流水样本南通背调工资流水模板广州工资流水app截图办理珠海对公流水代办深圳代做贷款流水湘潭企业银行流水报价吉林入职流水多少钱哈尔滨打收入证明无锡查房贷流水菏泽办银行流水单遵义查薪资流水单武汉办工资银行流水汕头查询自存流水温州查薪资流水莆田办理签证银行流水西宁制作工资证明嘉兴入职流水费用温州购房银行流水报价中山做公司银行流水沈阳企业流水打印办理扬州工资流水app截图查询信阳代开入职银行流水桂林做企业对公流水青岛打房贷收入证明新乡做公司银行流水漳州企业流水打印查询淀粉肠小王子日销售额涨超10倍罗斯否认插足凯特王妃婚姻让美丽中国“从细节出发”清明节放假3天调休1天男孩疑遭霸凌 家长讨说法被踢出群国产伟哥去年销售近13亿网友建议重庆地铁不准乘客携带菜筐雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言代拍被何赛飞拿着魔杖追着打月嫂回应掌掴婴儿是在赶虫子山西高速一大巴发生事故 已致13死高中生被打伤下体休学 邯郸通报李梦为奥运任务婉拒WNBA邀请19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声王树国3次鞠躬告别西交大师生单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了倪萍分享减重40斤方法王楚钦登顶三项第一今日春分两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?周杰伦一审败诉网易房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁男子持台球杆殴打2名女店员被抓男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”槽头肉企业被曝光前生意红火男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲杨倩无缘巴黎奥运张立群任西安交通大学校长黑马情侣提车了西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发妈妈回应孩子在校撞护栏坠楼考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了韩国首次吊销离岗医生执照奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测沈阳一轿车冲入人行道致3死2伤阿根廷将发行1万与2万面值的纸币外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素春分“立蛋”成功率更高?胖东来员工每周单休无小长假“开封王婆”爆火:促成四五十对专家建议不必谈骨泥色变浙江一高校内汽车冲撞行人 多人受伤许家印被限制高消费

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