






销 售 代 理 协 议

Distributor Agreement

合同号(Contract NO):



This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:

1. 订约人

Contracting Parties

供货人(以下称甲方):ABC Co., Limited

Supplier: (hereinafter called “party A”)

地址(Address): ***

电话(Tel): *** 传真(Fax): ***

电子邮箱(E-mail): miya@***


Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”)

地址(Address) :***

电话(Tel):*** 传真(Fax):***



Party A hereby appoints Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below.

2. 销售区域及产品

Sales districts and products


Party A hereon authorizes Party B as its distributor in charge of sales of ABC brand Carbides products.


Party B sells ABC brand Carbides manufactured by Party A; Party A reserves the rights to sell directly ABC brand Carbides product to other customers, in the agential area of Party B, without Party B’s permission.


Party A reserve the right to develop any new dealers by himself in the agential district, and also obligated to protect its existing customers, especially if Party B serves Party A’s existing customers with a too high price.

(4)未经甲方允许,乙方不能销售甲方产品到代理以外区域。下述情况例外:甲方允许情况下,并且乙方确保交易不会威胁到其他代理区域,乙方才可进行此项交易。乙方若有倾销甲方产品行为, 应接受惩罚,甲方有权利停止向乙方供货,甚至取消乙方代理资格。

Without Party A’s permission, Party B is forbidden to sell its products to customers out of its agential district.

Only with Party A’s permission which ensures that this trading is not threatening to the benefits of other agencies, can Party B accept the orders; if Party B is found to dump or cross products, Party B shall accept the punishment of compensation; Party A has the right to stop supplying product to Party B, even cancel Party B’s agent qualification.

3. 贸易竞争限制

Limitation of competition trade


Party B shall not engage in propaganda and selling of same products of the others supplier. If found, Party A has the right of removing all incentive, terminating the agent contract, asking for USD100,000 as compensation, and reserve the right of sending Party B to the judiciary.

4. 销售任务及返利

Sales responsibility and award

(1)乙方在2019 年第 季度期间销售至少 us$80,000 甲方产品,分季度执行。

Party B must sell at least USD80,000 of party A’s products in the 2019 year in the appointed district, which will be executed by season, details as below:


20% of the annual task on the first quarter(January-March) of the 2019 year,USD16,000.


20% of the annual task in the second quarter (April-June) of the 2019 year, USD160,00.


25% of the annual task in the third quarter (July -September) of the 2019 year, USD20,000.


35% of the annual task in the fourth quarter (October-December) of the 2012 year, USD28,000.


The task of the 2020 (next year) must be over 25% or more than the last year’s, and the detailed quarterly selling will be confirmed further in the later supplement articles.


If Party B fails to achieve the 60% sales target in any above quarter, Party A has the right to remove Party B’s distributor qualification.

5. 销售价格及维修

Sales price & maintenance.

(1) 甲方提供代理区域价格于乙方,乙方及其零售商不得以过价的价格销售甲方产品,乙方可根据实际情况制定其批发价格。

Party A adopts distributor supplying price in the agential area to Party B, Party B shall not sell Part A’s products under too low price, Party B can set up the wholesale price himself according to the local situation.


Both sides shall remain the stipulated selling price, but Party A has the right to adjust the price according to the market requirements, and the adjusted price is subject to the written notice of Party A.

(3)当汇率的上下波动在5% 以内,我们的价格维持不变;但当汇率波动超过5%时,我们就要调整价格,当然这个调整的部分,我们双方一人一半。

When the exchange rate fluctuates within 5%, our price remains unchanged; but when the exchange rate fluctuates by more than 5%, we have to adjust the price. Of course, this adjustment is half of our two.

6. 发货及质量确认

Product delivery/quality confirmation and objection.


Party A must guarantee the priority of Party B in delivery time. In general, the goods should be delivered within 14 days after the T/T confirmation, or make the shipment according to the agreed date between Party B and Party A.




Party B must claim in written form for compensation for failing in product quality or product size within 14 days after the arrival of the goods, otherwise, Party A may refuse it.

Party A will not responsible for the products quality and loss or damage caused in transportation which is arranged by Party B in itself.

If Party A has authorization from Party B to arrange transportation which meets any risks, Party A shall handle the problem or claim compensation from forwarder to assist Party B.


Party A is not responsible for Party B’s loss caused by products quality damages because of Party B’s short of experience in dealing with market changes.

7. 付款方式

Payment Term


50% T/T in advance is required by Party A, Party B should make the balance payment before shipment.

8. 广告,促销,及其他政策支持

Advertisement, promotion and other policies support


Party A shall provide promotional materials to Party B when Party B need to do promotions in the local market, and Party A will cover some of the promotion fees according to the negotiation between both two parts.


Party A shall provide design samples for shop outlet, outdoor advertisement, and media advertising. Party B shall operate according to the requirements of Party A.


Any legal activities held by Party B such as crack down on the fake and safeguard the rights and other activities relating to Party A, written authorization from Party A shall be required.


Party A enjoys the leading role in the target market and Party B shall be responsible for assisting Party A in marketing。


Other advertisement and propagandize policies will be stipulated otherwise.

9. 市场情况报告

Reports on Market Conditions



Party B shall forward once every three months to party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers' comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall, from time to time, send to party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information, and advertising materials.

10. 商业机密

Business secret


Both parties shall maintain strictly confidential and not, without the other Party’s a written consent, disclose to any third party any documentation and information designated by the furnishing Party as confidential, whether of a commercial or a technical nature, furnished by the other Party pursuant to this Agreement, i.e. the receiving Party shall use the information only for the purpose of this Agreement


This article shall continue to survive for three years after the termination of this Agreement for whatever cause.

11. 合同违约责任

Liability for Breach of Contract

(1)若合同双方在合同执行中面临非可抗力及不可预测因素,可予以延长合同。非可抗力指,自然灾害, 反叛,突发事故,政府招募,及交通限制等等。


The time limit of the contract could be prolonged if both parties meet with the inevitable and unpredictable factor when fulfilling this contract. “Irresistible force” herein means natural calamity, rebellion, accident, government recruit, and transportation prohibition, etc.

In case of irresistible force, one party must provide the written notice of relative situation to the other party without any delay, who fails to inform in time should take responsibility for it.


After Party B confirm the product sample of Party A, Party A may refuse to accept any amendment when starting production.

Both sides can’t cancel the contract except for serious quality problems otherwise regard as a breach of the contract.

12. 合同修订和到期

Contract Amendment & Termination


Unfinished matters shall be negotiated and signed in an amended contract, which is also regarded as one part of this contract. Party A can terminate this contract anytime if Party B violates part or all the terms in this contract.

13. 仲裁



This contract is applicable for relevant laws and regulations of China.

All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing for arbitration.

Both parties agree to use Chinese in arbitration.

14. 合同有效期

Contract Expiration


The contract is valid from 1st, Jan, 2012to30th, Dce, 2012 on the condition of Party Breaching the required sales target with no breaching of contract. Party B enjoys priority in expanding distributor qualification.


The contract is in English and Chinese version, one for each party. It takes effect after authorized signature.

甲方代表签名: 乙方代表签名:

Authorized signature of Party A: Authorized signature of Party B:

签订日期: 签订日期:

Signing date: Signing date:

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